
It’s a Spring shiver kind of week; 19C to 5C and thick snow all around the tops!

We know its spring, and there’s plenty of evidence in the new growth on our Pacific Blue. Apart from some ornamental lavender around the house, Pacific Blue is always the first to lead us into summer.

Because you should know many of the ‘true’ lavenders are actually Lavandins. The true lavender has a soft sweet smell that many of us associate with a different pace of life.

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Pacific Blue is an excellent example of this with a delightful soft fragrance. It is a medium sized lavender growing to about 80cm tall. The striking purple flowers begin in mid to late spring until we harvest in early January.

Pacific Blue was developed in New Zealand as a possible commercial oil producer. It is an excellent plant for both oil and cut flowers.

We think the hydrosol/mist/oil derived from Pacific Blue has strong herbaceous peppery tones, and a green freshness, which pushes the sweeter notes typical of most angustifolia cultivars into a backseat role.

The remaining scent leaves you a well rounded, lingering, long smooth, finish.

If you haven’t tried Pacific Blue you are missing out on a divine 100% NZ scent!

Ka kite ano

Malcolm@Akaroa Organics